Cher voyageur,
Nous vous souhaitons la bienvenue en Grèce et un séjour agréable et inoubliable. De la part du gouvernement grec et du ministère grec du Tourisme, nous tenons à vous assurer que nous avons déployé tous les efforts humainement possibles pour que vous soyez et vous vous sentiez en sécurité dans notre pays. Votre santé est pour nous une priorité absolue et non négociable.
La Grèce ouvre progressivement ses frontières et ce, de manière sûre et efficace. Lors de la première étape, à partir du 19 avril, il y aura certaines restrictions par rapport à l’ouverture générale. Dans les paragraphes suivants, sont détaillées les mesures en vigueur à partir du 19 avril. Les informations relatives à l’ouverture générale du pays qui aura lieu à partir du 14 mai, seront annoncées en temps utile.
Pour la protection de votre santé, de la santé de votre famille mais aussi de celle de toutes les personnes chargées de vous accueillir en toute sécurité, les principes généraux suivants relatifs aux protocoles sanitaires sont en vigueur en Grèce à partir du 19 avril:
Avant l’arrivée:
Les touristes doivent remplir le formulaire PLF (formulaire de localisation du passager) au plus tard avant 23h59 la veille de leur arrivée en Grèce. Cliquer ici pour effectuer cette démarche.
Avant son départ, le voyageur doit s’assurer qu’il / elle détient un certificat attestant de son état de santé. Il doit avoir au choix:
Tous les certificats doivent comporter toutes les informations nécessaires en langue anglaise et le nom de famille et prénom doivent correspondre à ceux indiqués sur le passeport ou autre document de voyage.
À l’arrivée:
Pour les voyageurs arrivant en Grèce, il est prévu:
Le respect des protocoles sanitaires durant le transport des touristes et leur séjour en Grèce est un facteur décisif qui nous permettra de protéger notre santé et d’assurer un retour à la normalité. Nous vous remercions pour votre compréhension et vous prions de nous excuser pour tout désagrément causé. Merci pour votre coopération, merci d’avoir choisi notre pays pour vos vacances et au plaisir de vous accueillir en Grèce.
Greece is ready to welcome visitors from abroad again, applying advanced health protection protocols. In 2021, Greek Tourism is ready to operate with the maximum safety possible, for tourists, employees and every person involved in the provision of tourist services.
First of all, isolation (quarantine) for visitors from abroad is no longer required. However, entry into Greece will be allowed under the following conditions:
- By presenting a vaccination certificate issued by an appropriate body in the traveler's country of origin.
- Instead of a vaccination certificate, the tourist can show a negative PCR test conducted up to 72 hours before traveling.
- At the same time, 24 hours before traveling, every tourist must have completed the special PLF document.
- Upon entering Greece, visitors will undergo targeted tests. In the event of a positive result, meaning that the traveler who was tested is ill with Covid-19, he/she will be temporarily accommodated in an isolation hotel. If a positive incident is detected following a sampling test at the land borders, then entry into the country may not be allowed.
Employees in the Greek tourism sector are vaccinated, according to government planning. Also, until the date of their vaccination, these employees are obliged to undergo a weekly test. It is suggested that the testing is even more frequent, in order to have timely isolation.
Greece recognizes every visitor who produces a vaccination certificate with an anti- Covid 19 formula from third countries, that is outside the EU and USA, as vaccinated. For the list of acceptable vaccines, see here: Pfizer BioNtech, Moderna, Astra Zeneca/Oxford, Novavax, Johnson + Johnson/Janssen, Sinovac Biotech, Gamaleya (Sputnik), Cansino Biologics, Sinopharm
In the first phase of the opening of Greek Tourism, flight restrictions from EU countries will be lifted, as well as from a limited number of other countries (USA, UK, UAE, Serbia and Israel, Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, Thailand, Rwanda and Singapore).
Furthermore, our country will initially welcome flights only at certain airports (Athens, Thessaloniki, Rhodes, Kos, Chania, Heraklion, Santorini, Mykonos and Corfu). From mid-May onwards, in the framework of the general opening of the tourism industry, all international airports in the country will be allowed to accept flights from abroad.
Two entry stations from Bulgaria (Promachonas and Nymfaia) will operate during the initial phase of the opening.
As of 19/04/21, the quarantine will be lifted for those who arrive by ferry. Initially, at the main entrances (Patra, Igoumenitsa) and subsequently at all the rest.
As long as travel across counties is prohibited, guests will be able to travel from the airport to the lodging they have booked with their hotel voucher.
During their stay in Greece, visitors must also follow the measures that apply to all Greek citizens.
In all tourist activities, tourist transport and tourist visits to other places of interest, the same protocols as those in 2020 will apply, with some small adjustments. These protocols have proven to be effective, and will be updated according to epidemiological conditions. The Ministry of Tourism and the Hotel Chamber of Greece will provide certification to all lodgings that apply these protocols. Moreover, training material will be provided to the employees of these businesses, in order to ensure the correct application of all health and safety measures against Covid-19.
The plan for the opening of Greek Tourism provides for the existence of specific isolation (quarantine) hotels near each entrance gate, as well as in other strategic points nationwide. This way, an adequate safety net for case management will be in place, combined with an early detection upon the arrival of tourists from abroad.
Children under the age of 5 will not be required to undergo a PCR test.
The departure and arrival of yachts (except those coming from Albania and Turkey) will be allowed from the 3rd of May and onwards, with some restrictions, while the same terms and conditions will apply both for Greek and foreign citizens
By May 3rd , blue cruising will be allowed, i.e. cruising without intermediate stops in ports during the trip. Full opening, on May 14th, will lead to the complete removal of cruise restrictions, always enforcing very strict protocols that will apply to these activities.
It is possible to perform PCR or antigen tests directly at the place where each guest stays, if the guest needs a test for returning home. This makes it easier for every tourist to be consistent with his/her obligations in order to safely return to his/her country.
Conferences will take place after May 15th as per normal, provided that all health protocols, which have been determined by the health committee, are followed.